How To Mount Remote NFS On Linux
How To Mount Remote NFS On Linux
Ok, #Longhorn might have just saved me here with #k3s and my storage woes. #SMB and #NFS both caused catastrophic problems with corrupted files and databases. Using #unraid as the storage backend for the later 2 but will keep it as a backup destination and network storage for more static datasets.
Thanks to everyone who helped push me in this direction. #homeassistant is officially happy again!
i played through nfs carbon with this mod installed recently:
as much as i love the race music, i appreciate this mod existing because it gives a purpose to the licensed music in the game outside of intro FMVs for bosses/crew...and checkpoint races/free roam, i guess.
seriously though. it's a small mod but well worth having i think. give it a try if you're thinking of replaying nfs carbon.