Hier gibts was auf die Ohren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71p5UP7DCPc #needforspeed #music #gaming #soundtrack #mix
Hier gibts was auf die Ohren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71p5UP7DCPc #needforspeed #music #gaming #soundtrack #mix
Need for Speed has been put on pause, but it will return one day https://www.eurogamer.net/need-for-speed-will-return-ea-pledges-but-team-all-in-on-battlefield-for-now #needforspeed #GamingNews #GamingCommunity
I'm very good at racing… except for Snowy Ridge.
Snowy Ridge is h̶a̶r̶d̶ expensive.
#NeedForSpeed #gaming
Meine alte CD von Need for Speed 4 "Brennender Asphalt" hats erwischt. #gaming #NeedForSpeed
i played through nfs carbon with this mod installed recently:
as much as i love the race music, i appreciate this mod existing because it gives a purpose to the licensed music in the game outside of intro FMVs for bosses/crew...and checkpoint races/free roam, i guess.
seriously though. it's a small mod but well worth having i think. give it a try if you're thinking of replaying nfs carbon.
Wonder if this works nicely over the internet. Would love to have some nice races with others at some point.~
#gaming #RetroGaming #NeedForSpeed #NeedForSpeed2
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